Hello! I deleted my profile now. Not because I am unhappy, but I have found a woman who I think I will marry. And I found her on your site! Maybe it is too early to call it a success story, but I will keep you updated. Thank you Jan
Earlier in my life Although I had never met with Russian girls, was in love with them before I ever met one. I read books of Russian writers, watched Russian films and dreamed about a Russian wife. I feared that a man from Denmark who is not very rich would not attract interest, but my fears proved unfounded. I pursued my dream and found the girl who does not pay attention to a man.s wallet but is capable of valuing him for his intellectual and spiritual qualities. Bendt, Denmark, Copenghagen
, 44 лет Саудовская Аравия, Jeddah
I had an excellent experience with your site. I found your site to be the best one I had dealt with. It was fun to use and I always had lots of responses. And I found there my True Love. Thank you for your help. Bob, Wisconsin,Milwaukee
, лет
I have met the most wonerful person thru your site. We emailed, spoke and met. She is wonderful and I am looking forward to spending the rest of my life with her! Thank you very much for providing the means to make this possible. Don, UK
, лет
I have to tell you that I was sceptical at first but you truly made me a believer. I was ready to give up on the whole idea of meeting a sincere Russian lady (I used to try different web sites) until I met Svetlana through your site. I can't imagine my life without her. We are getting married next summer!!! I have never felt this happy before in my life. I never thought I would meet someone like her. Thank you so much, allsinglerussiangirls. James,Grand Prairie, Texas
, лет
I thank you for the service which you provided, and as I found the lady in whom I have interrest on your service, I am more than grateful for finding your site. I will of course refer anyone I know to your site if they are seeking a companion. Thank you Rodney, Wheaton, Maryland
, лет
I have to tell you that I was sceptical at first but you truly made me a believer. I was ready to give up on the whole idea of meeting a sincere Russian lady (I used to try different web sites) until I met Svetlana through your site. I can't imagine my life without her. We are getting married next summer!!! I have never felt this happy before in my life. I never thought I would meet someone like her. Thank you so much, allsinglerussiangirls. James
, лет
Your site has been absolutely wonderful. I met someone through your site a few months ago and we are busy planning our wedding next April. We both want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!! Jack and Olga
, лет
У вас просто замечательный сайт. Несколько месяцев назад я встретил на вашем сайте свою вторую половинку, и сейчас мы полны забот по поводу предстоящей в следующем апреле свадьбы! От всего сердца хотим поблагодарить вас за все, что вы для нас сделали!!! Джэк и Ольга
, лет
I want to thank the people at 1vipdating for creating this site. It's amazing that you can find your soulmate in Russia. We get along so well! I live in Ohio and she is from St-Petersburg, Russia. My Natasha is the most amazingly sweet, romantic, kind, intellectual woman I have ever met. Thank you so much! James
, лет
, 25 лет Италия, Roma
We are so compatible and get along so well it is unreal! All of this was possible with the help of my Personal Advisor Irina and the psychological test. I thank you for making all of this possible, and if it worked for us....it will for others too!! Kevin
, лет
Hi, I'm Kevin and I want to thank you so much for leading my Olesya to me. You were a wonderful help to me. Never thought I would meet the woman of my dreams. We never would have met if it had not been for your service. But we did and we know we are ment for each other and I am going to meet Olesya in Petersburg, Russia soon. I want to thank God for bringing us to this site so as we would meet and fall in love. Thank you and we will recommend 1Vipdating.com for sure. Stanley
, лет
I have met the most wonerful person thru your site. We emailed, spoke and met. She is wonderful and I am looking forward to spending the rest of my life with her! Thank you very much for providing the means to make this possible. Don
, 44 лет Саудовская Аравия, Jeddah
I had an excellent experience with your site. I found your site to be the best one I had dealt with. It was fun to use and I always had lots of responses. And I found there my True Love. Thank you for your help.. Bob
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