отзывы тех, кто нашел свою любовь
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    , 46 лет
    Россия, Нижний Новгород

    Я нашла мужчину и он попросил убрать мой профиль.Спасибо Вам у вас очень хороший сайт,мне понавдобилось всего 3 дня .Надеюсь все у нас будет хорошо.Ну а если не судьба,то я опять тут зарегистрируюсь.Благодарю!
  • Обручен/а

    , 61 лет
    Россия, Санкт-Петербург

    Я нашла человека , которого я полюбила, и сейчас я вышла замуж за него. Я надеюсь, что моя новая жизнь будет счастливой! Спасибо Вам за анимательность и чуткость
  • 12.04.08
    Thank you very much, and again...I am very greatful that you guided me to this site. It really works and you have made me the happiest man ever! At the same moment I want you to delete my profile since my mission is accomplished! Thank you!! have nice day...and I wish you the best in life!! best regards
  • 11.04.08
    First off all I want to thank you, and this site...because...I have found my dreamgirl in here, we have allready met :) and to be honest she is with me at the moment. So I will use this moment to thank you alot that you brought us together, I am so in love and its the same with my girlfriend.
    She has allready made you delete her profile, she is actually from Latvia but lives in Ireland...and in Januar I travelled to meet her Very Happy and from there everything has been like a fairytale...so again...thank you so much for bringing us together!!
    Still...I will have this site in the back of my mind, and I will recomend it to all of my friends since you seems as a serious and professional site...and I want to wish you good luck!!
    Thank you again...you are wonderful!!!
    best regards
  • avatar

    , 34 лет
    Украина, Севастополь

    Спасибо вашему сайту,я на нём нашла любимого человека,я надеюсь,что наше знакомство приведёт к свадьбе.Ещё раз спасибо вам,приятно было с вами общаться.
  • 08.04.08
    I am very appreciative this site and strongly recommended it to any single person looking for love. I had found a lot of perspective and good character women in this site. The most important point I want to highlight is that I found true love in this site.
  • avatar

    , 51 лет
    Россия, Калининград

    Надеюсь,я нашла Того, кого искала.Огромное спасибо Вашему сайту!
  • 07.04.08
    i think this site is great for meeting women and for making love with the hand. i have found one women, i think she will let me make a love explosion on her stomach. GREAT SUCCESS!
  • 05.04.08
    I will recomand this site to my single friends. I have find many potential good women here, and have a very romantic relationship with one espesially here. But the most important is that this is the best dating site i have been at, and i have ben at some ;) That is mostly because of the great variation of girls here, and the seriousity of the company. I have experienced very good and fast service here, and they help me if i suspect anyone of beeing a scammer. And there is a lot less scammers here, than it is in other sites i have been on. Yes.. this is a great site, and i love it here, and know i will find my princess here ;) happy happy
  • avatar

    , 55 лет
    Украина, Донецк

    Здравствуйте! Мне кажется, что я встретила на Вашем сайте понравившегося мне мужчину! Спасибо Вам большое!!!
  • avatar

    , 46 лет
    Швейцария, Zurich

    I did find a wonderful person on this site and am very happy!!!! I did get some good friends to whom i would like to keep!!! But the know how to reach me. I did get no 1 in 3 days and was shocked in a positive way, never thuoght that some thing like this could happen to me! I wish all the rest of the lovely woman good luck, that the may find ther match the are looking for :-) Good luck to al the other men! you find some speacial persons here!! just like me!!!!!!! Love takes a strange way in life but it's wurth it!!!!!!! Thanks to all of the team of this site!!!! :-))
  • Обручен/а

    , 39 лет
    Молдова, Кишинев

    я нашла прекрасного человека и выхожу замуж, спасибо Lovemage! здоровья всем и счастья!
  • avatar

    , 48 лет
    Италия, Roma


    , 48 лет

    vi ringrazio per avermi dato la possibilita di conoscere la donna della mia vita una bellissima donna ilo suo nick è missisblond vi chiediamo gentilmente di cancellare i nostri profili ringraziandovi per tutto quello che abbiamo ricevuto grazie ancora
  • avatar

    , 42 лет
    Россия, Екатеринбург

    Я встретила на Вашем сайте мою любовь. ОГРОМНОЕ ВАМ СПАСИБО И ПРОЦВЕТАНИЯ!
  • avatar

    , 45 лет
    Новая Зеландия, Gisborne

    I have found my true love, I am very happy that your website has helped me, I thank you very much ! I hope to send you photo of us in future if OK
  • avatar

    , 24 лет
    Украина, Мелитополь

    я уже нашла человека, которого искала, спасибо Вам
  • avatar

    , 33 лет
    Россия, Челябинск

    я уже нашла человека, которого искала, спасибо Вам
  • 28.03.08
    Thank you for your services. I do believe that the $40 I spent on membership was the best investment that I have ever made in my life. I met several very nice and pleasant ladies, AND I do believe that I have met the woman I hope to spend the rest of my life with. Thank you again...
  • avatar

    , 64 лет
    Великобритания, Coventry

    i have meet on the site a woman who i want to spend my life with, my many thank to you at the site. would you be so kind as to remove my details from the site, and again my thanks.
  • avatar

    , 43 лет
    Украина, Киев

    Я встретила своего любимого мужчину.спасибо вам за все!
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