отзывы тех, кто нашел свою любовь
  • Обручен/а
    I have met the most wonerful lady through your site. We emailed, spoke and met. She is wonderful and I am looking forward to spending the rest of my life with her! Thank you very much for providing the means to make this possible.and ı am recommending this site to everybody.great site ever ı have seen.thanks
  • 04.08.08
    Спасибо Вам за Вашу работу!!!! Вы помогли двум людям найти дорогу к счастью и любви!!!! мы удаляем наши анкеты
  • avatar

    , 37 лет
    Россия, Москва

    Спасибо, Вам! У Вас замечательный сайт. Я нашла мужчину и мы собираемся встретиться с ним. Он пожелал чтобы я удалила свой профайл. Если мы с ним не подойдём друг другу, возможно, я вернусь! В любом случае, СПАСИБО ВАМ! С уважением,
  • Женат/замужем
    I have found the love of my life on your site and will be married soon. Thank you for your services
  • avatar

    , 40 лет
    Украина, Харьков

    Спасибо Вам большое. Я нашла свой любовь! Желаю всем любви и счастья!
  • avatar

    , 38 лет
    Украина, Черкассы

    I found somebody special and wish everybody to found true love! Thanks and good luck!
  • avatar

    , 42 лет
    Саудовская Аравия, Jeddah

    Hello dear
    thank you for your nice services and i already found my soul mate. so please delete my personal page. thank you again
    best regard
  • Женат/замужем
    I have found the love of my life on your site and will be married soon. Thank you for your services
  • avatar

    , 33 лет
    Беларусь, Минск

    Встретила молодого человека на вашем сайте Спасибо большое!
  • 17.07.08
    I would like to express gratitude to your site. You have connected two lost halfs, you have helped us to find each other and to find happiness. One month ago on June, 13th (by the way Friday of 13th) we have met. It was the happiest day in my life. My heart overflows with happiness because the sincere love has settled in it. This feeling grows in me every day. My Sam, my malysh is the most amazing Man in the world, he is the Only Man in the world. He is unique! He is my reason for existance...THANK YOU for the given chance to be happy from all my heart. We used it and will do our best not to lose our happiness.
  • avatar

    , 34 лет
    Австрия, Steiermark

    i found my love on this site .. thank you for letting me participate
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    , 68 лет
    Канада, Other

    Thank you I have used this site since last Aug -- this is the only site I would use as I have gone to meet three ladies from this site --- one in Russia and two that are in Ukriane --- I am now going back to the third lady --- I am hoping it will workout for us --- If not I will come back ---- I have read much of the information on this site and the advice you have given in here --- it has been very good ---- all three ladies I meet where good and do not reget meeting any of them --- the last lady of course we are taking it slowly --- thankyou
  • avatar

    , 35 лет
    Узбекистан, Ташкент

    Ya nashla svouy luybov. Spasibo vash saiyt prosto super.
  • avatar

    , 37 лет
    Россия, Санкт-Петербург

    I have found my love in this site. Yhank you very much
  • avatar

    , 45 лет
    Великобритания, Other

    I have found somebody thanks alot
  • 06.07.08
    Hello ! Thanks to your wonderful website, I have met the greatest woman I have ever known!!! I just returned yesterday from the best vacation I have ever had in her town in Southern Siberia.... She is absolutely wonderful, intelligent, kind, caring and beautiful!!! I had almost given up hope of finding someone like her until I found your website! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Going to see Russia was the greatest decision I have made in my life and I loved the scenic beauty of the Altay region and met the love of my life! What more could one man ask for?
  • Женат/замужем

    , 44 лет
    Арабские Эмираты, Dubai

    i find my sweet wife from your website thank you very much
  • avatar

    , 53 лет
    Россия, Москва

    Спасибо. С вашей помощью я нашла свою любовь.
  • avatar

    , 31 лет
    Украина, Киев

    Нашла свою любовь! Спасибо.
  • avatar

    , 41 лет
    Россия, Свердловск

    я нашла что искала большое пасибо вам=)
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