отзывы тех, кто нашел свою любовь
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    , 50 лет
    Австралия, Victoria

    Hello i would like to delete my profile please as i have found someone thank you for a great service i hope to visit her in about a month.God bless
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    , 66 лет
    Канада, Abbotsford

    I have found a lady in the Ukraine that I am going to in June and if all works out I will make her my bride --- this will be my third time to her thank you as I found your site very good
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    , 51 лет
    Украина, Севастополь

    Спасибо вам за ваш сайт, он очень интересный и привлекательный. На ваш сайт я привела свою подругу, она сейчас на нем общается. У меня сложились отношения с одним мужчиной , у меня нет больше необходимости находиться на вашем сайте. Спасибо! Успехов!
  • avatar

    , 46 лет
    Russia, Санкт-Петербург

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    , 42 лет
    США, Piedmont, AL

    I have found a wonderful woman that I intend to get to know better and hopefully have a wonderful life together! She is wonderful!!
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    , 37 лет
    Россия, Самара

    я встретила своего мужчину, оформляю гостевую визу в Америку.
  • Обручен/а

    , 39 лет
    Великобритания, Bristol

    I have met somone through this site i have visited her twice and she has visited me once i have known her now for 1 year and very grateful to the site.I never thought i would meet anyone genuine she is not looking for a better life she is very happy in Ukraine just the right man but happy in her counrty. I would recommend site to anyone i started communicating to her on first day i registered, a year later we are talking about a future together and both are very much in love thanks again if you want to add to testemonial page or any other page to encourage new users thats fine.
  • avatar

    , 46 лет
    Нидерланды, Almere

    Keep doing the great site.
    I have meet my perfect match and will meet her in 5 weeks. Thanks again for this great site.
  • avatar

    , 36 лет
    Россия, Санкт-Петербург

    Мне кажется я встретила мужчину, которого искала - спасибо вам за работу. Если что-то не сложится - вернусь только к вам)))
  • avatar

    , 72 лет
    Новая Зеландия, Auckland

    I would like my profile removed please. I have met a special person on your site (The Best) and am going to Russia in june to spend 3 months together, and then ??? Thank you for you great service and giving me the opportunity to meet such a lovely person. Des NZ
  • avatar

    , 36 лет
    Арабские Эмираты, Dubai

    Сайт супер! Спасибо!
    Но пока хочу стереть анкету.
    Возможно после отпуска вернусь сюда.
  • avatar

    , 37 лет
    Россия, Москва

    spasibo organizatoram saita, za to, chto pomogli mne vstretit lubimogo, i seichas yia schastliva s moim Jamalom
  • avatar

    , 53 лет
    Россия, Ставрополь

    В настоящее время я веду серьезную переписку и он очень нервничает. Если ничего не получится , позднее я вернусь назад.
  • Обручен/а

    , 65 лет
    Италия, Napoli

    Dear Irina,
    it is about one year I entered in this site.It has been a joyful time for me.I have known different women who helped me to approach, to understand and to appreciate Russian mentality and north-eastern culture ...Surfing the internet of your site I have build some interesting relations of friendship(.and sometimes a little more!).I must thank my counsellor Irina,who has been close to me in some perplexity moments with her kind suggestions and her wise advices..The psychological test has made the rest...So now,at last I have found what I was searching for ...My true love..She is not only my ideal soulmate...she is not only the woman I like to merry and live with..She is my real love,hidden beneath the snow of Smolensk...After a long and deep correspondence we have met each other in Italy 2 times and we have realized to be born one for the other ...
    My wonderful girlfriend Luba (the Latin said: nomen omen"in a name there is a prophecyi") is a charming lady with magnificent blue eyes..She has entered in my life like an angel... We are planning to live together and to build a new family..
    Thank you again...!!!.Tomorrow we shall delete from the site..Now there are no reasons more to remain there, even if you have been a nice and lovely family.
    Many wishes for your useful and well-deserving job!
    To you,dear Irina my best regards....and a friendly kiss....
  • avatar

    , 33 лет
    Россия, Уфа

    огромное вам спасибо за создание сайта, я нашла свою половину! удаляюсь, так как мне пишут много людей, а мне это теперь ни к чему! спасибо вам огромное! сайт супер!
  • avatar

    , 27 лет
    США, Moscow, ID

    Thank you so much for you fantastic website! The service has been wonderful. I have found an exquisite lady friend here, and I believe our friendship has great potential to develop into something more.
  • avatar

    , 40 лет
    Россия, Санкт-Петербург

    Я познакомилась с человеком вне сайта и не хочу его обманывать. Спасибо вам за помощь!
  • avatar

    , 51 лет
    Германия, Frankfurt

    i have found the love of my life ...and I love this site, Russian...Hope that we'll build a nice family...thank you for this wonderful site....I'll be be in Russia if you need me
  • avatar

    , 26 лет
    Россия, Новосибирск

    Я нашла, то что искала. И больше не нуждаюсь в сайтах знакомств. Спасибо за все. :)
  • avatar

    , 72 лет
    США, Detroit, MI

    I deleted my profile now. Not because I am unhappy, but I have found a woman who I think I will marry. And I found her on your site! Maybe it is too early to call it a success story, but I will keep you updated.
    Thank you
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