отзывы тех, кто нашел свою любовь
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    , 35 лет
    Беларусь, Минск

    Огромное спасибо за создание сайта. Здесь я встретила свою вторую половинку и очень счастива! С благодарностью и наилучшими пожеланиями! Татьяна
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    , 33 лет
    Украина, Киев

    встретила свою любовь
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    , 49 лет
    Россия, Москва

    Спасибо, сайт хороший и отличная система безопасности. Я нашла свою любовь. Спасибо за всё!
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    , 32 лет
    Чехия, Prague

    Решила тоже написать про свой опыт:1й опыт был проверен горем,поэтому запомнила его на всю жизнь-ковалер тоже общался только в рабочее время и на выходных исчезал,говорил, что занят.Через несколько лет(это было давно)оказалось, что он женат и ребенок есть.Было очень обидно,но решила что такого больше не повториться.
    Не так давно познакомилась с мужчиной.Он тоже общался только в рабочее время.Когда спросила почему,сказал,что дома нет интернета.Спростла о возможности встретиться,быстро отказался и вскорости быстро исчез.
    А вот другой человек с которым я сейчас общаюсь в Скайпе всегда и как раз после работы и всегда можно с ним пообщаться.И приехал он ко мне через неделю нашего общения по его инициативе.
    Я хочу это сказать к тому что когда мужчина свободен это видно.И когда заинтересован тоже,он сам предложит и сам приедет!!!
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    , 54 лет
    США, Maryville, TN

    I have found someone on this site and am no longer looking for my special someone. I want to thank the site for making it so easy for me to search and communicate. A special thanks for those who did not select me or those I did not select because that's what this process is about, finding the one that is right for you. Good luck to all of you.
  • avatar

    , 57 лет
    Украина, Киев

    Sal, спасибо огромное за чудесные красные розы, которые ты прислал мне. Я любуюсь ими и моя душа и мой дом наполнены их ароматом. Ты невероятный Мужчина.
  • avatar

    , 36 лет
    США, Palm Springs, CA

    i have found someone
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    , 25 лет
    Украина, Запорожье

    не пожалела ни на минуту о регистрации на этом сайте. найти любовь здесь - реально!! главное после не потерять ее.
  • avatar

    , 21 лет
    Россия, Брянск

    я встретила свою любовь
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    , 28 лет
    Россия, Челябинск

    да, я встретила здесь мужчину
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    , 58 лет
    Бельгия, Aalst

    hallo, dear Manager, is it possible to leave a feedback with a picture from me and a woman where i still in contact again with on the site, i think it can help much peoples here!! all think that it is easy to get in contact with a woman.. in my case a woman from Moscow, i don't remember how much messages i got here 8000 - 10.000 - 12.000 in the 5 times that i was on your good site---- i realy get in contact with a honest woman, you need normal to speak much on skype or by phone, i spend much money on skype for this kind woman ( 900 euro )?? , but the must important is to see each other - that woman was 3 times in Belgium in my appartment - i tread here like a real lady , i cooked all day nice food for her, let her see Flanders- so i was in Moscow in october- much peoples don't know what you have to do to get a visa??? i was 5 times in Brussels for this!!! Russia is not the same country as my country, other culture, all is so different!! you need much time-- it is not possible for me to be married in 6 or 12 months!!! i need to know a woman for 2 years before i can married that woman!! so all is not easy - whe did all whe could to be friendly, kind and honest to each other, even i have send my salary and private things to this woman.. Men and women have to be very honest against each other. For me it's not possible to married a woman very quickly!! normal you have to live a time together. I see here married peoples, but happend after this?? is that woman lucky in a strange country?? I think it is the meaning to make someone happy and lucky and not unlucky- There are so much things before you can start a marriage-- I don't like to make someone unlucky!! May be after a time when someone (women) leaves there countrys they like to go back-- I know this site very good, i did my best to give all women a answer, with a picture, but i better did'nt do it!! I am still in contactt with a very honest and kind woman, so a kind and honest woman i will never meet again in my life, i am sure about this-- but i think that men here must take a plain and go see a woman. My first date was in Riga, that woman had a Shengen Visa and she could come to me!!! so she knew that i was honest and a kind man, i have send her all day pictures from my life, what i was doing in my life, may be 2000 !!! this is very important i think so--I have seen here so much kind and honest women, but i know i don't have to make contact with a woman from Siberie, that is not possible for me, it's to cold there, now - 40 !! all those things are important and peoples don't think on it, that is my impression, a luck that i speak 5 languages and my girlfriend understand Englich, that is also a big probleme, the language! At last, so much women think that the West are paradises, i am sorry , same day i work 10 - 14 hours please! money don't hang in trees here, because i see feedback from women who ask can you live with 250 E a month? in Ukraine, i am sorry, i pay 60 euro in a month for internet, there 10$? ALL IS VERY EXPENSIVE HERE!! GAZ - OIL-- I DONT REGRET THAT HAVE MEET AND THAT I STILL HAVE CONTACT WITH HELENA!! BUT WHE FIGHT FOR IT! Of course whe have problems?? where to live and other things, so once again it's not so easy believe me-- WHE HAVE SO MUCH LOVE FOR EACH OTHER BUT IT MUST BE POSSIBLE ALSO!! BOTH WHE ARE SICK SOMETHIMES! but i think that soon or later i gonna married this woman, sorry 2 years contact and see each other all day on SKYPE and talking hours, you can't forget this at once !! i realy hope that i can put my picture and feedback!! For Ukraine i don't need a visa, men and women have to talk when they meet each other- very important !! Whe can't nearly not live without each other, whe try no to find a solution to be together, now very cold in Russia, here much warmer! I mean you need to think on so much things, once again, the meaning is to be happy and not unlucky, i have seen very kind woman here , but also very much liars, only for money, but this is not on the faces , not from men and women, it is for money?? sorry , nothing for this man... I looked here for real love and a marrige and a family life, i hope i will come, so i will take more than 2 years please, and whe have seen each other 5 times, first time a week in RIGA , than Helena was 3 times here with me, all very good, than i was in october 14 days in Moscow, cost all much money, i think peoples forget this-- so i think i have been always very honest and kind to women on the site, but not all women are here with good attention!! sorry that i must write this! I think i got very much luck to meet that swee Helena from Moscow, i have realy never seen in my life so a kind and honest woman, but i am the same, open , honest and very kind with very much patientie, what is not easy all the time!! and faithfull- please can i put this in the feedback??? because same people have a bad idea what i wrote, it was not fraud!! i only spend so much money, Riga, she here 3 times, and than i to Moscow, visa 170 euro, plain 275 euro -- and when when Helena was in AALST BELGIUM she don't had to pay for food,, i pay those things, that is looking for real love, that is the meaning of my message to you ! never give it up- but women who are so long on this site? i think they will never find someone, TO BE HONEST IS THE MOST IMPORTANT I THINK SO! I READ HERE SO STRANGE STORYS FROM WOMEN WATH MEN DID!! this is very unfair, i was on the airoport after Helena and i had flowers by me to give to her, i have a video from it! believe my story , or story could nearly be a movie, full of romantic things, please put it and i send a picture from the both of us, i would so a shame when i never must see Helena in my life, she is always in my mind, if ever it stop for good, i need much months to forget all!! that is what i call real love and friendship, and help each other in good and bad days, thank you, DE ROP HERMAN, AALST BELGIUM!! sorry i got to much messages , i am 191 cm and i give a answer at a woman from 1.50 cm and than that woman was sad, next time i will never give answer, but i have a very little heart and i hope that much men and women found a partner here, but THEY HAVE TO FIGHT FOR IT ! believe me please, regard, Herman-- sory i forgot something to write, you have a very good site, but 1 thins is very pitty, all can download your pictures, once a woman send me here a message, Herman, i got pictures from you from another man, that is sad to read, and this is not all, i think i was on 10 - 15 other site, men or women made me a profile on those sites, this very sad very me, sorry i don't like this - at last , i have 10.000 pictures on my computer from all, 200 videos, as prouve, even you can send a profile like this to all peoples over the world???? no fine - who you can't trust here, so much women and men, i see always the same women and men, in those contest and on the site! all the time i got contacts enough in a month that i was on this site! even i deleted my profile once in august 2009 for a woman, whe have to pay each time, but women can stay here for free all life!!! i don't care about that money, but sorry i can't stay here a year like this!! i don't real understand this dear Manager , HONESTY !! VERY IMPORTANT, thank you once again what you did for me when i was on the site, not always easy, i begin to be afraid that they download my pictures and put me on sites that i realy don't like, i changed alreaady my addresses 3 times for this , regards Herman-- whatever will happen, Helena will have a place in my heart for all my life and when she needs me, i go help her, be sure about this
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    , 33 лет
    Узбекистан, Ташкент

    Очень хороший сайт и помогает многим людям,но появилась вторая половина и покидаю сайт чтоб не обнадеживать других.Спасибо за все.
  • Женат/замужем

    , 47 лет
    США, Wailuku, HI


    , 28 лет
    Россия, Рязань

    i am married to russian woman i met on this website
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    , 42 лет
    Россия, Барнаул

    Спасибо я нашла свою половинку
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    , 31 лет
    Украина, Кременчуг


    , 43 лет
    Германия, Stuttgart

    Hell dear team.

    We sit at the moment in our flat in Kiev !!!
    Yes you read right --- IN OUR FLAT IN KIEV ---
    Everything goes very quickly. We meet each other at your platform and really find true love !!!
    We feel that this will not be only good look, it is even more, maybe something like a miracle. And this was only possible because we make decision to use your page.

    We want to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH that
    you found our company and give the people the possibility to find each other !!!!

    Everybody who will believe in true love should search and search and search on this platform and we will be sure that they will also find one wife or man on this planet which fits to him for 1000 %

    Thank you again

    Yuliya and Mischa
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    , 33 лет
    Украина, Киев

    Здравствуйте! И снова я здесь. Дорогая администрация и пользователи сайта я хочу сказать, что сайт сам по себе замечательный и здесь можно найти свою половину. Будучи зарегистрированной дважды на нем, два раза я встречала интересных и хороших мужчин. Два раза почти доходило до замужества. Но первый раз я сомневалась, а второй раз уже мой партнер. Как в реальной жизни. Это бывает со всеми. Но она на этом не заканчивается и сейчас я полна сил и энергии снова пуститься в поиски моего единственного. На самом деле это не важно где я его встречу: здесь или тут в Украине. Я желаю всем удачи в этом, ведь мы этого достойны!
  • avatar

    , 28 лет
    США, Puyallup, WA

    found someone
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    , 52 лет
    Россия, Москва

    Liliya,спасибо,что Вы мне пишите.Мне так много надо сказать. Вы правы-они прилипают и так сильно,он уже и документы собрал и говорит мало.Только о любви.Любовь,ты только моя...и т.д. Не часто от наших мужчин услышишь такие слова. Но,ребёнок(пусть 14 лет) для меня-святоё. Может не спешить с браком?
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    , 41 лет
    Россия, Другой

    Philip! Je vous aime beaucoup!
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    , 30 лет
    Россия, Петрозаводск

    Hello. Actually I did not believe that it is possible, but it is happened. I met the men whom I really liked, and I am sure that in real life we would be able to meet, never. He is from another country, and he really came to me, to my city first time to see me. I do not know now will we merry or not, but our relationship is very serious now, and on Christmas I will meet with his family. Good luck for everybody! I spent on this site about half a year before met HIM.
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