отзывы от мужчин
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    , 65 лет
    Италия, Napoli

    Dear Irina,
    it is about one year I entered in this site.It has been a joyful time for me.I have known different women who helped me to approach, to understand and to appreciate Russian mentality and north-eastern culture ...Surfing the internet of your site I have build some interesting relations of friendship(.and sometimes a little more!).I must thank my counsellor Irina,who has been close to me in some perplexity moments with her kind suggestions and her wise advices..The psychological test has made the rest...So now,at last I have found what I was searching for ...My true love..She is not only my ideal soulmate...she is not only the woman I like to merry and live with..She is my real love,hidden beneath the snow of Smolensk...After a long and deep correspondence we have met each other in Italy 2 times and we have realized to be born one for the other ...
    My wonderful girlfriend Luba (the Latin said: nomen omen"in a name there is a prophecyi") is a charming lady with magnificent blue eyes..She has entered in my life like an angel... We are planning to live together and to build a new family..
    Thank you again...!!!.Tomorrow we shall delete from the site..Now there are no reasons more to remain there, even if you have been a nice and lovely family.
    Many wishes for your useful and well-deserving job!
    To you,dear Irina my best regards....and a friendly kiss....
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    , 27 лет
    США, Moscow, ID

    Thank you so much for you fantastic website! The service has been wonderful. I have found an exquisite lady friend here, and I believe our friendship has great potential to develop into something more.
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    , 51 лет
    Германия, Frankfurt

    i have found the love of my life ...and I love this site, Russian...Hope that we'll build a nice family...thank you for this wonderful site....I'll be be in Russia if you need me
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    , 72 лет
    США, Detroit, MI

    I deleted my profile now. Not because I am unhappy, but I have found a woman who I think I will marry. And I found her on your site! Maybe it is too early to call it a success story, but I will keep you updated.
    Thank you
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    , 36 лет
    США, Fairfield, CA

    I just wanted to say thank you for your website because i found a very wonderful woman!! who i plan on meeting this year!! Thank you very much for your service.
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    , 55 лет
    Великобритания, Swindon

    I have a found a very nice lady from Moscow who is really perfect for me. It is early days, but I feel confident she will be my sweetheart forever!
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    , 56 лет
    Турция, Ankara

    I like this site..so serious and convenient for searcing real friends.But I dont have time to continiue ) Thank you.
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    , 30 лет
    Австралия, Melbourne

    I have found a beautiful girl and we are now forming a beautiful friendship. Thanks for all your help.
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    , 46 лет
    Канада, Edmonton

    I have found my friend and my soulmate and do no longer wish nor need to visit your site. thank you, for this site has changed my life. :-)
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    , 49 лет
    США, Hallandale, FL

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    , 40 лет
    Нидерланды, Noord-Brabant

    I am deleting my profile because i have found my dream girl. Her name i Anna and she is perfect. We will continue to communicate outside of this website.
    Thank you for your service. keep up the good work. Sincerely.
  • avatar

    , 50 лет
    Австрия, Vienna

    I have found the right woman!!!
  • Обручен/а

    , 52 лет
    Франция, Paris

    Thanks for all your so nice services, i have met the woman of my life i think. We will prepare for you a feed back as soon as we realise what we want so much: to marry!
    Thanks again very much for all managers and especially Irina Grebnev (sorry for bad spelling).
  • avatar

    , 41 лет
    Арабские Эмираты, Dubai

    i have already found my girl on this site-thks
  • avatar

    , 51 лет
    Великобритания, Other

    I have found someone i am really keen on,and only wish to comunicate with her
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    , 53 лет
    США, Tucson, AZ

    I met a very beautiful lady on this site, and no longer wish to receive messages from other women.
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    , 61 лет
    США, Washington Township, Ohio

    Yes I've been writing to a lovely girl from Belarus since July 08 and we are meeting next week. Thank you for providing this site. I believe that I have found my other half.
  • avatar

    , 37 лет
    США, Absecon, NJ

    I have found a decent woman finally on your site. We are arranging to meet very very soon. Thank you for all your assistance. I wish luck to everyone who is really looking for a serious relationship.
    Take care.....
  • avatar

    , 51 лет
    Австрия, Wien

    I found a very nice woman.
  • avatar

    , 65 лет
    Италия, Napoli

    After 10 months,I have found on this site the woman I like to live with . She is Lubov(nickname Lis222) and she deleted about 7 hours ago.We both have realized, after our falling in love ,that our presence on this site is useless now..We thank all the staff and especially Irina for this wonderful service,which has allowed us to meet each other...You have been disposible and kind for any problem...Thank you again....!!

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